Synarchism and the War on Islam
The conspiracy is not communist or fascist, it is synarchist. The synarchist conspiracy, however, manipulating both ends of the political spectrum, cultivates fear of the threat of “communism” to advance the cause of a fascist economic philosophy known as neoliberalism. By denouncing “Big Government,” they call for the transfer to public property to private corporations, and the enslavement of the world to their banking system, under the guise of the World Bank and the IMF.
Conspiracy Researchers have been obsessing with the same old tired themes, involving the usual culprits, such as the Illuminati, Bildebergers, Federal Reserve and even Jews. One will blame “communism”, the other “fascism,” completely failing to ascertain the true enemy behind these false fronts and means: Synarchism.
Synarchism was a Martinist movement that originated among the immediate circles of Napoleon Bonaparte. Martinism started with French mystic Martinez Pasquales who founded the Ordre des Chevalier Maçons Elus-Coën de L’Univers (Order of the Knight Masons, Elected Priests of the Universe) in 1754. A Martinist named Baron de Gleichen wrote that, “Pasqualis was originally Spanish, perhaps of the Jewish race, since his disciples inherited from him a large number of Jewish manuscripts.” According to J. M. Roberts, the Elus-Coën philosophy “was expressed in a series of rituals whose purpose was to make it possible for spiritual beings to take physical shape and convey messages from the other world.”
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