Pallavicini Crime Syndicate
The Pallavicini family is a top bloodline in the global crime syndicate and they govern Palatine Hill in Rome. They had multiple family branches in Italy and Austria and ancestry that ruled around Athens Greece. They have ruled as princes in Genoa, Milan, Rome, Budapest, and Vienna. They recently married in with the German House of Wurttemberg with Duchess Helene of Wurttemberg married to Marquess Federico Pallavicini. The Pallavicini family married with the Rospigliosi Papal Nobility and also have a branch in London through the Cromwell family. Horatio Pallavicino was a financier for the British Crown and his family merged with the Cromwells through several marriages creating the variant name Paravicini. Charles Vincent Somerset Paravicini is a current member of the British aristocracy. The Pallavicini family ruled over ancient Parthia or Iran and the Pahlavi dynasty that ruled Iran more recently are an ancestral branch of the Pallavicini family. Pahlavi is a te...
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